RunSedona entry fees are non-exchangeable, non-transferable, and non-refundable, under any and all circumstances, including City/County/State impacts/restrictions, but not limited to, cancellation of the event or your participation, or change in the date, nature, or format of the event due to current mandates/restrictions. An event may be canceled or changed due to severe weather or other factors that threaten the safety of participants, staff, or volunteers.


You are able to request to defer your entry to the next following year for a fee of $25 up through midnight Jan 26, 2005. Pre-paid entry in the following year will be offered at the open of the registration season and will require you to follow the provided link to complete a new 2026 online race entry form.

The deadline to defer is midnight, January 26, 2025. To complete a Defer of entry to the one-next following year for the fee of $25, follow the steps below:

The distance switch process is completed through your RunSignup profile page rather than the Race page itself.  

  1. Begin by logging into your account, and go to your “Profile” page.

  2. On the “Profile” page, go to Races under Upcoming Events. This shows a list of your Race(s) that are coming up.

  3. Manage the registration for the Race by clicking "Manage Registration".

 You will be asked to make the Defer payment.  Completed Defer Status can be confirmed in the RunSignup profile at

Pre-paid entry in the following year will be offered via email at the open of the 2026 registration season.  The message will include a Reserved Entry link to the upcoming year online RunSedona race entry form which is required to be completed for Active entry status.