Racer’s PLEDGE

We believe that each RunSedona Event athlete should play a role in keeping other athletes, volunteers, staff, and spectators safe at the races.  There are four pillars that should guide athlete behavior:

  • Athlete responsibility

  • Respect for other athletes, volunteers, staff and spectators

  • Athlete self-reliance

  • Observing rules of the road/athlete etiquette

As an athlete looking out for my safety and the safety of others, I will:

  • Stay home if I am sick or have been in contact with someone that is sick.

    Be Alert! Read all event communication and signage, as it could contain important information on any new related procedures and policies. Follow safety instructions of race announcers and race officials.

    Respect physical distancing and look for any visual cues like tape, signage, and chalk that mark where I should stand, and how far apart I should be from others.

    Utilize proper health and hygiene methods for mask wearing, hand washing, hand sanitizing, sneezing, and coughing.

    Show-up on time or at my assigned time for activities such as athlete check-in, bike and gear check-in, and distance start.

  • Avoid spitting or expelling any other bodily fluids near other athletes, volunteers, staff or spectators.  

    Give myself and others space! 

    Let others know when passing. I will verbalize my intention to pass if it is safe to do so.

    Walk on the right if I intend to walk the full race distance

  • Keep my distance. Give my fellow athletes plenty of space at all times.

    Utilize aid stations only when necessary – Touch only what I need and minimize touchpoints and interaction with volunteers and other athletes.

    Carry my own fluids and nutrition by using my hydration pack, race belt, or race vest.

    Minimize my reliance on volunteer assistance in transition zones.

    Encourage friends and family to spectate safely in low-density zones, observe physical distancing and to stay home if they are sick or feeling unwell

  • Thank the volunteers! They are out here to help me achieve my dreams.

    Consider the safety of others. I will adhere to best practices to protect others.

    Respect the host community. I am their guest during race days and I will act like it.

    Pay attention to instructions from race officials and City officials. 

    Let faster athletes pass me.

    Celebrate with others in a no-touch manner.